Retail Fuel Sales
On Demand Delivery
Wholesale Oil/Gas
Essex Oil & Gas Company is a Commodities Market Oil and Gas Wholesaler. In the recent past, commodities trading required significant amounts of time, money, and expertise, and was primarily limited to professional traders. Today, there are more network options for participating in the commodity markets.
A) FASTFUEL Commercial Distribution B) FUELPAY Retail Service Payments
GAS USAGE BY STATE STUDY*Rank State Gallons per driver/yr1 Wyoming 1,6192 North Dakota 1,3443 Mississippi 1,1774 Texas 1,1725 Oklahoma 1,1646 South Dakota 1,1497 New Mexico 1,0918 West Virginia 1,0559 Minnesota 1,03310 Iowa 1,02511 Montana 1,01812 Kentucky 1,01213 Missouri 1,00214 South Carolina 98615 Nebraska 98316 indiana 98017 Idaho 94118 Georgia 93719 Alabama 92220 Arkansas 91021 Virginia 87522 Maine 87423 Kansas 86524 Utah 86425 Ohio 85126 Louisiana 85027 Tennessee 83228 Nevada 83229 Wisconsin 81130 Michigan 80331 North Carolina 79932 Ohio 79233 New Jersey 77234 Oregon 76435 Illinois 76136 Maryland 75537 Delaware 75538 New Hampshire 75139 Arizona 73940 Pennsylvania 73441 Colorado 72942 Florida 72443 California 70544 Connecticut 69145 Vermont 68846 Massachusetts 65647 Washington 61749 Rhode Island 58450 Hawaii 552
Year average gas price is $3.56
About FuelAmerica
Fuel America Corp. is a retail sales mobile service for delivery of oil and gas products. FuelAmerica is filling the gap for more than 17 states that have banned new gas stations in their states. Fuelamerica replaces lost filling stations in public with its new "On Demand Mobile Fuel Delivery Services". There are 148,026 U.S. convenience stores as of December 31, 2021, according to the latest NACS/Nielsen Convenience Industry Store Count. Most struggling to keep doors open-Lets help their customers
*Analysis by Federal Highway Administration to compare motor-fuel use with licensed drivers in each state from 2013 to 2017. They took the total gallons of gas used in each state and divided that figure by the total number of licensed drivers in each state. Final rankings are based on total gallons of gas per licensed driver in each state in the year 2017.
**Driving the kids to school, commuting to work, weekend getaways, and any other common reasons for driving led to the average American using somewhere around 650 gallons of gas a year. With the average gas tank being somewhere between 12-15 gallons for most vehicles, we were all filling up between 45-55 times a year. Nov 17, 2020